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Re: Guaging the miles

Hi Lisa,

I'm new to this myself - only have done two 25 mile CTR's earlier this year, but placed 2nd in both & my 19 yr old mare won Best Arab in the 2nd ride... we train in our neighborhood (in south Fla) & I measured a 7 mile route in my car, then built her up to be able to trot that in about an hour. If you're training on trails, try marking just one mile on a dirt road in your car & see how long it takes to trot that at your normal pace. You'll soon get a feel for the mileage at each gait. Good luck & have fun!


Hi folks,
What is the least expensive, most accurate way I can measure how many
miles I am doing?
Thanks in advance.
In His Hands,
Lisa P.
North Central Florida
Riding: the art of keeping a horse between yourself and the ground.


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