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Re: RC: Conditioning Tips/Schedules for The Full Time Worker

Hi Lif and Irene,
I am not sure that 40 minutes equals 2 hrs of trail work, but I have 
found that 40-60 minutes of ring work can give a good workout.  
Figure 5-10 minutes is bright walking, yielding, sidepassing etc, with 
most of the remainder being spent at a good trot.  In SAND.  Being 
asked to stretch the back and move into the bit, rounding.  More 
yeilding, shoulder-in, shoulder-out, haunch-in, haunch-out, circles, 
figure 8s, cavalettis, transition up and down, repeatedly.  The horse, 
and I, remain interested and challenged.   I'd bet that we cover a good 
5-8 miles, with little recovery, in soft footing.  I also work full time, 100 
miles from where I live.  Commute 2-3 hours EACH way.  Having a 
ring with lights is a lifesaver through the winter, good for the horses 
basic training and attitude as well as conditioning. On the weekends 
we may ride in the ring for 30 -60 minutes, and then go trudging 
around in the snow for a similar period of time.  Guess we have to be 
Beth Glace
> At 07:49 PM 1/27/01, Irene M Burnett wrote:
> >40 minutes of arena work can easily equal 2 hrs. on the trail!
> I'd like to believe this but somehow it doesn't quite wash for me. 
> Maybe if a person spent the two hours on the trail poking along at a
> shuffle...

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