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Re: rudeness

As I was reading the original post, although I'm sorry if the person feels they were treated rudely....I wondered if the P&R person indeed understood the difference between panting to cool and inversion?   I can imagine that people were seriously questioning their verdict.  The CTR group I am familiar with does not take respiration either - they have recognized that panting is an efficient way for a horse to cool, and not a sign that the horse is unfit.  Different thing than inversion.

Jude in Ohio

Rudeness, now there's a topic I can sink my teeth into.  I seem to have the gift of bringing that quality out in people, usually without ever intending to do so, on a daily basis.  It's probably cause I'm just so darn "happy" (not gay) all the time and this bugs some folks. haha.
I find the respiration topic quite interesting because, even though I'm coming up on my third year of doing endurance and LD riding, it is still an area I don't know enough about.  It's never mentioned at a pre ride meeting, if there is a criteria for it I'm not even sure what the number is, and the only time I see it is on my Vet Card.  Can someone please tell me what the deal is with respiration?  Is it something that the Vet's used to look at, in the good ole days,  but kind of let it go by the wayside?  Has anyone ever been pulled because the Respiration was too high? 
And, like ya'll, I have never seen a volunteer attempt to take the Respiration count in the P & R areas that we have here at our Southeastern rides.  Never.  And even though I am a firm believer in being extraordinarily NICE to any volunteer at a ride, if that lady tried to pull my horse for respiration at a P & R check, I'd probably break that rule.
And btw, Nina was not Miss Helpful in my story.  I really don't think she would have fit through Blake's window.  She seems a bit too top heavy to qualify for the job.  lol.
Howard (preparing for a bit of rudeness coming my way from ole Nina)

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