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Re: RC: Thoughts on Nat Champs & ROC

There are, however, 100 mile rides in CA. So, while there is no guarantee 
you'll ever win one, you have reasonable access to attempt to do so.
Even something like the Pan Ams selects teams in zones. So while it is 
difficult to be selected for the final team, it is not difficult to attempt 
to build a record within ones zone that allows one to be considered.
Rides like the Tevis & OD are (basically) the same (in terms of 
accomplishment) year after year. If that is one's goal, there is reasonable 
access to the ride if one is willing to plan ahead and make the sacrifice to 
go that far.
IF (and this is a big if) the AERC is going to call something a national 
championship, it needs to provide reasonable access to all the membership at 
some time, even if not all in the same year. We already have national 
mileage championships for those who complete lots of rides in one year. I 
don't think we need to slant a NC in  the same direction.
Nancy Mitts

>To: Nancy Mitts <>
>Subject: Re: RC:  Thoughts on Nat Champs & ROC
>Date: Fri, 02 Nov 2001 08:51:04 -0800
>Perhaps it is time for all of us to accept that we can only get to the
>rides that our time, budgets and horse or horses allow us to. All the
>other rides at what ever level are only rides we dream of doing.
>   The rides we choose to do or not do are always of our own choice. If
>I lived on the east coast and wanted to do multiday rides then I would
>have made the trip to where ever they are held. I know people that have
>traveled from California to the Old Dominion because that is something
>they wanted to do.
>As endurance riders we all dream of goals that we would like to
>I personally would like to be able say I have won a 100 mile ride and my
>horse got best condition. I'll probably never be able to say those words
>but I can dream on.
>Ron Sanches

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