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Re: 15 yr. Grey SE Nabiel daughter with melanoma: Worth buying?

Title: Re:  15 yr. Grey SE Nabiel daughter with melanoma:  Worth buying?
Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2001 08:20:32 -0800
To: <>
Subject: RC:  15 yr. Grey SE Nabiel daughter with melanoma:  Worth buying?

Karen Webb
I have found a lovely, coming 15 year old, grey, straight Egyptian Nabiel
daughter, but she does have melanoma.  A few lumps under her tail and one
below one ear.  The price is $5,500.  I have no prior experience with
melanoma and will of course, have a vet exam done.  However, it seems like
a large number of grey horses have this condition and continue to do quite
well.  True?  Anyone have experience with the condition in grey/white
broodmares?  Thank you.

Jeeze, $5,500 for a fifteen year-old horse with melanomas?

Surely there's a better deal somewhere?

I know of at least one grey horse that's got terminal cancer, but you'd never know it by external exam.

I'd pass.

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