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RE: ProBiotics and Trailer Express

I just compared the ingredients of Vita-Flex Acculytes to Vita-Flex Trailer Express. The Acculytes being electrolytes, they have a much higher level of salt, sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium per lb in comparison to the trailer express. In addition, Acculytes contains glycine (what does that do for the body?) and five types of beneficial bacteria. The Trailer Express contains the same minerals but in a much lower quantity and sulfer, ascorbic acid, B6, riboflavin. No pro-biotics.
I am really happy with the Acculytes and have found a major improvement in my horse's eating and drinking when using these for rides. I highly reccomend Acculytes.  I know Sarah Ralston did some research in trailer stress, respiratory illness and Vitamin C and E? supplementation. Not sure what the sulfer and riboflavin in the Trailer express is for. B6 for appetite?
Bonnie Snodgrass
-----Original Message-----
From: Linda B. Merims []
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2001 8:55 AM
Subject: RC: ProBiotics and Trailer Express

I looked at the label on this product and Trailer Express
is not a probiotic:  it is a combination of electrolytes.
Linda B. Merims
Massachusetts, USA

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