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Re: RC: BOD meetings at the convention
Merryben and Mike...
I realize the board has a lot to do in a limited amount of time. Having
attended many "board" meetings in 30 years of corporate life, I
understand how difficult it is to get through all the issues in the time
you have available. The more people added to the mix, the longer it
takes and sometimes the topic broadens into isssues that are irrelevant
to the matter at hand. Been there and done that. I applaude the board
for their dedication. Thanks to all of you for giving your time and
expertise to AERC.
I don't propose making the board meetings resemble the Democratic (or
Republican) National Convention. <grin> Also don't expect the Board to
provide open discussion on every issue before taking a vote. And I
certainly don't want to extend the time you have to spend in meetings.
Heaven forbid!
I DO want the motions to be considered made available to the membership
prior to the Board Meetings. I learned something from Merryben in this
thread. I didn't KNOW I could pass notes and interact at those
meetings....one of the reasons that last year I didn't bother to go and
went to the one on Saturday. I also didn't know what issues were on the
floor or how all this works. Now, if something shows up that's near and
dear to my heart, (like the NCR) I might show up and stand behind you
with a notepad passing notes like a coach on the sidelines calling
plays. <grin> However, if I am comfortable with the motions being
considered and have confidence that the board will make good decisions,
I'll go spend that time in Art Gecko's with Susan G. Thanks again,
Mike, for posting those.
My experience is limited to the ONE Convention...last year. I went to
that one with high hopes of meeting as many members as possible,
(putting faces to the names) and picking the brains of "old timers" like
Merryben, Barbara, Bob Morris, and others. I had visions of you old
timers standing there telling us stories of rides and horses gone by,
with us, your disciples, gathered around in rapt attention. Pretty
naive, huh? I wanted to discuss what you are doing and have done. Where
do you see AERC going? What's happening next year? Anything in the
works I should help you support? Explain the game plan, whisper in my
ear, pat me on the butt and throw me in the lineup. I will do my best
with the time and resources I can afford to give. In spite of all the
contention that sometimes goes on here on Ridecamp (after all, we ARE
Endurance Riders), you "old timers" (but not necessarily old) are our
heroes. Most of us will never have the opportunity to do all the things
you have done. I'm just a sandlot player looking for an autograph from
Chipper Jones....but I do love the game....and play just as hard.
So what's the solution? I believe it would be good for the Board, good
for the members, and good for AERC to have some "interaction" time at
the Convention between the members and the board. I would like to see a
POSITIVE interaction...just a friendly exchange of information, a
scheduled opportunity to mingle, exchange views and ask questions. It's
hard to do that by just collaring someone on the way to the restroom or
stopping them on the way to whatever they have planned next, especially
if you don't know them. On the way to the restroom, no one wants to
cross their legs and squirm while someone tries to engage them in
conversation regarding, say, the merits of FEI. <grin> It's just not
courteous. I've had people do that to me many times!
That's why I mentioned a "reception" after the Saturday meeting. It's
not "us" against the BOD. After all, we elected you. I'm hampered by a
lack of information and actions by board members that "appear" to be not
in the best interests of the members and AERC. You might be surprised by
the attendance.....and the resulting support it generates. That's done
all the time in the business world...and is very successful. An activity
takes place, like a presentation, (or the board meeting), business is
concluded, people are given the opportunity to speak, then the "sponsor"
(BOD) hosts a reception for those who would like to talk with the
principals who stay around for some period of time, just for that
purpose. Lots of times those conversations continue on the way to the
next session (or the bar). Many long term projects and relationships
develop from this type of interaction.
Could the board not find a way to do something like this? Or come up
with a plan of your own? At least TRY something one year? Couldn't
hurt, might help. Just because we have always done it the way it is now
doesn't mean we have to continue to do it the same way. One of my goals
as always been to not let a day go by that I don't learn something new
or find a better way of accomplishing something I'm already doing. I
think that's called evolution?
This is an informative thread. I've learned a lot! Thanks to all who
have jumped in here with insight and information. The more information
you have, and the more different perspectives you hear, the better
decision you can make. Maybe we could get some suggestions from the
board as to what WE can do to improve communications and get the
membership more involved? Could the "efficiency" of the board meetings
be improved as Bob Morris suggests by following better parliamentary
procedure? Do they really not follow Robert's Rules of Order? Board
Meetings in general are bad enough when they are orderly....if that's
true, no wonder they go on until all hours. Would some of the BOD
members please offer a comment or opinion on this based on their
knowledge and experience?
I'm still seeking knowledge, information, and insight....
Jim, Sun of Dimanche and Mahada Magic
Michael Maul wrote:
> And the reason for not allowing direct audience participation in the Thursday
> and Sunday meetings is really a matter of time. We have enough difficulty
> getting everyone's views explored on the BOD for the topics we cover - much
> less allowing everyone in the audience to talk on the topics.
> The meetings would last forever and accomplish less than we already get accomplished
> if the floor was open to the membership participation. With 26+ people in the
> meeting - getting debate finished to get to a vote can be a major accomplishment.
> I'm not wild about having to pass notes for comments but it's one way to do it.
> Plus talk to the directors at the break - or watch when they take a break and
> catch them outside the meeting.
> So this may seem defending the status quo but it has some rationale behind it.
> We are certainly open to suggestions on how to do it better but it needs to
> preserve the members/directors ability to attend the seminars, talks, trade show
> and get the BOD tasks done in a finite time. If we added an extra day as has
> been suggested - this means more time off and cost by members and directors to attend.
Merryben wrote:
>As far as scheduling, the board goes where and when we are told to for meetings. I am
>really not sure how they are scheduled. It has always been this way as long as I can
>remember and I have been a member of AERC since the firs convention in Sacramento
>which was held in a room about 1/2 the size of where our banquet is now.
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