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Gu was good!

I remember asking about Gu on this list sometime ago.  I spent the past
two days camping and 'practicing' endurance with my horse.  I had two
packets of Gu and took them along in the saddle pack.  At one point
feeling a bit bottomed out I remembered the Gu and tried it.  It was the
chocolate one.   I loved it!  I hate sweets and the Gu wasn't too sweet
as I feared it would be (that is why I hate most sports bar, too
sweet).  To me it tasted a bit like chocolate cake mix.  Also,
immediately I felt better and it seemed to last awhile.  There wasn't
the hyper sugar rush feeling, the headache I tend to get from sugar, or
the nausea.

So for me Gu works!

Also, I'd like to say that my system doesn't tolerate things too well.
I've already battled colon cancer ten years ago.  So if I can find
anything I can eat that won't make me too sick I'm happy.  Gu will be a
mainstay in saddlepack and my purse from now on!

Kris and Nyke and Kolter

P.S.  The other one I tried was orange.  It was good but not as good as

P.S.S.  and for others of you out there that are new to this sport as I
am I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to practice camping and
overnighting in a low stress atmosphere ie, not a ride.  It was just me,
my horse, and my best girlfriend and her horse.  Each one of these trips
I come away with new information and ideas on how to do this better.
Not just the riding but the whole picture.

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