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Re: RC: Sponsoring Juniors
What if one horse goes lame? The sponsor can be in a fix. I've read the
rules more than once on whether the sponsor has to pull if the junior
switches sponsors on trail, etc. but I still can't say I'm sure what my
options are once I'm out there. For your peace of mind, memorize the rules
on juniors before the ride.
You can change sponsors on the trail if it is necessary. I did it at a recent ride. I don't know of a ride manager who would have a problem with that. You must notify the management though.
What if you've got 2 juniors who are doing a great job, and one is really
getting tired and lagging...costing you all time at the waterholes...then
the lagger shows "body language" signs of planning to go for the win at
the finish...should you have an agreement that the sponsor will dictate
the finish? If so, before the ride is a good time to discuss it.
We used to ride to almost the finish line and then the kids would line up and race for the finish. Of course you can only do this on safe trails. One time they decided it wasn't a fair start and turned around and came back. It took us about 10 minutes to get lined up properly. The finish line timers were about to send help because then thought we had problems. That was funny too because Danya King's pony Sinbad got the jump on Heather and Tyler and Heather almost got beat by a pony.
Having one good junior for a partner can actually speed you up.
Yeah, because they keep you from making wrong turns and getting lost....
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