Hey! Stan sounds like a real happening guy, even wears size 34 jeans. Maybe we can all go there for Christmas. I think Stan ought to manage a ride out of the Fort. Heck, they have a stable, that could be basecamp. We used to have a NATRC (and I think an AERC also) ride at Camp Pendleton Marine Base, here in southern Calif. by San Diego That was in the good old days. We enjoyed riding in and amongst the helicopters and other aircraft, (don't take pictures..no no !) and the troups who were holed up under oak trees with camoflauge netting. We even got to ride on the nicest beach, just as soon as the amphibious craft finished their manuevers. Now you can't even get near that base, they stop all vehicles and search them and occupants, with automatic weapons trained on them. Makes me shake my head to think that not that long ago, a whole mess of us just drove onto the base with horse trailers and big trucks and just got a tip of the hat before we commenced camping right smack in the middle of the place. They didn't even check us for illegal aliens on the way home. Those were the days. Cheer up Howard, and don't go getting any wierd Tattoos! Beth