----- Original Message -----
From: Sandy Bolinger
Sent: Sunday, October 14, 2001 5:12 PM
To: ridecamp-d@endurance.net
Subject: RC: finish criteria.
I will try this question again! There is a rule that if a horse does not meet crtieria within 30 minutes at a vet check, that the horse is pulled. Obviously, the reason for the rule is that it has been determined that a horse not reaching criteria within 30 minutes has been over-riddin for his conditioning and/or is metabolically challenged. I know if my horse didn't reach criteria in 30 minutes I would be VERY concerned. SOOO...the rule at the finish line gives the horse 60 minutes to reach criteria...Shouldn't the same rules apply at the finish that applies thoughout the rest of the ride??? Most horses that remain front runners throughout the ride and even "race" the last couple of miles to the finish line..recover before 30 minutes have passed...and it seems to me...front-runner or middle of the pack...if your horse does not reover within 30 minutes of reaching the finish then you have over-ridden your horse and/or your horse is metobolically compromised and IS NOT fit to continue. It seems like such an obvious rule in need of change....I can't think of anything negative that would result in this rule change...only positive results as far as our horses are concerned...without compromising, in anyway, the sport itself.
I'm glad the rule is the way it is. After the finish of the ride, there's really no reason to "hurry" and hang out by the vet check/crew area, which most riders do, because of the 30 minute rule. The only ones who have to do this at the completion are the top ten riders who want to participate in the BC part of endurance.
Geez, don't you think it's a good idea to take the horse back to your campsite, let him relax a little, eat and drink alone in an area where he's more comfortable with than alongside a hundred horses by the crewing area? I find the hour time after a ride, a relief for me and the horse. I would be very upset if they changed this rule to 30 minutes. I find that one already a pain in the butt, since I like to have an extended break during the vet checks. I see too many people rushing and hurrying already, which leads to the horse not relaxing enough to drink and eat. Drinking and eating are crucial to keeping your horse healthy in a 50 mile ride. I think we rush around enough in the sport as it is; please, leave this one alone.