Hi Ridecampers! I have bought myself a new horse! This is the best news I've had all year, especially since my good mare went lame in March. This year has been generally bad, for our family, for friends, for many people!. I didn't realize how down in the dumps I was until I got the new riding horse, and I feel good almost like my old self! I can ride! I have my three year old filly, but she is so green, so young. Can't spend a long day on her back yet. Had serious withdrawals from 12 hour rides, ya know? I have been looking a long time, but only seriously with cash in hand since summer when I sold my other horse that I didn't like. we were not friends. Wasn't even gonna buy a horse until we went to Tevis and husband said..."You need a horse..go buy one." Yes I know he is the best!!! I have found my horse of choice.. Chestnut Arabian, with white socks, pretty good breeding ..a lot of Crabbet, a little Polish, handsome, doesn't buck, kick, bite, crib, rear, mutilate himself, or run away. Has been shown, professional trainings, has traveled around, has trail ridden a lot, although not difficult trails, is used to cars, golfcarts, dogs, bicycles, balloons, gardeners, (all the California junk) has good legs, good feet, nice hooves, our horse rider weight ratio is in the 60's , and he is sweepstakes nominated. Only down side, I was shopping for a mare...but oh well who cares! Hurray! See you on the trails, Beth