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RE: RE: Trot/Canter

Isn't it the BREATHING rates that are synchronous with the canter?  If the gut is pressing against the diaphragm, then it affects the breathing.  (If the heart rate and the diaphragm are synchronous - isn't that THUMPS?)
I've also read someplace that some horses operate at a lower heart rate at a trot and some do at a canter.  I've also heard that the extended trot is also hard on the horse biomechanically. 
I dunno.  Maybe I'll figure it out someday.
-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Morris []
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 5:41 PM
To: Jennifer Kurtzhall; Annie George
Subject: RC: RE: Trot/Canter

Please investigate the reason that the heart rate is lower at a canter than at a trot. At some gaits such as the canter the heart is synchronized with the stride. The gut moves slightly forward on the exhale and back on the inhale and the heart syncs with this motion. The cause is the gut pressing against the diaphragm and then moving away relieving the pressure. When the motion ceases such as at a walk then the heart normalizes.
Get a good text on equine biomechanics for a full explanation.
Bob Morris
-----Original Message-----
From: Jennifer Kurtzhall []
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 6:31 PM
To: Annie George
Subject: RC: Trot/Canter

Shouldn't we consider which is harder on the horse MECHANICALLY as well as just what the heart monitor says? My horse canters with a lower heart rate but I wouldn't let him canter a whole ride. The canter puts a lot more weight on the front end and if your NOT changing leads it's uneven concussion isn't it?

I would think that a good ground covering trot, not the big extended floaty kind, with a little cantering here and there to break it up is the most efficient way to get down the trial.


  Annie George <> wrote:

 Anne George Saddlery  
----- Original Message -----
From: Annie George
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 8:24 AM

Hi I find that the   heart rate is lower in a canter, if it is a easy rolling, relaxed not to fast canter. Changing leads regularly is important so you don't have all the stress on the same front leg. I like the canter, I prefer it, and though you can't always do it, like uphill or down.  I try to when I can. Just the way I do it. Annie
 Anne George Saddlery  

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