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RE: RE: RE: Bibliographies on Barefoot Info for Sue, Truman, etc.

Good point, Maggie... not everyone has access to such luxuries such as
terrific vets, especially ones who work well with farriers!  Heck, I had a
hard enough time finding a good vet for my horse, and I live in a fairly
well-populated urban area!  Finally *did* find one, but it took three tries,
one of which informed me that my horse was a "dangerous animal" (Duh...what
could Cotey tell that I couldn't as quickly?!) and should be "put down".
Nice vet.  Never did call him back....!

Tracey in Portland

-----Original Message-----
From: Maggie Mieske []
Sent: Saturday, September 29, 2001 7:08 AM
To:; Susan Garlinghouse;
Subject: Re: RE: RE: Bibliographies on Barefoot Info for Sue, Truman,

Just a short short about reaching for the rasp instead of the vet...don't
forget to include your farrier when you are having a potential laminitis
episode...just a reminder.  In our area, where there aren't really any
exceptional horse vets, Nelson IS often the first called.  After all, feet
are his business.  However, any extensive treatment, should the coffin bone
truly rotate and come down, will require x-rays and depending on the cause
of the laminitis/founder, who knows what else and getting your vet and
farrier to work together in that treatment is truly the best of both worlds.

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