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Re: Re: are electrolytes a must?

>I also have found that our horses do perform better with >putting the elytes in a bucket of water rather than >syringing them. However, when given a choice they >usually stick to plain water. My guy has done all his rides >with no "forced" elytes, and his hydration is always >excellent. Just did Bear
It's worth keeping in mind that the voluntary salt appetite lags at least several hours behind actual depletion, and several hours can be a lifetime for an endurance horse.  So depending on conditions, a horse can be electrolyte deficient, and still not have an appetite for salt.  Just as he may have slow gut motility, but have no appetite for food; or be dehydrated but have no urge to drink. 
JMO, but relying on the horse's natural instincts to take care of himself in an unnatural circumstance is...well, not doing everything you can to ensure the well-being of the horse.  This isn't a shot at you, Robyn, just a general comment.
Also, regardless of salt status, animals can refuse to eat/drink if the water/feed/whatever has too much of a salt concentration---it's like you would hate eating 1000 mg of salt in one bite, and probably feel ill if you tried, but can happily put it away if it came with a bucket of popcorn.
Susan G

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