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Re: RC: GPS revisited

    After xp2001 this summer, I'm a confirmed gps-er.  I have a Garmin III+ but I
think for almost all horse riding the Etrex Summit is just as good, if not better
since it's smaller.  It is also more user friendly (which may make the III+ a better
choice if your fiance' loves decoding programmer-ese!)  Actually, I think the III+
is no longer being made so you might have to hunt for it, but I'll bet you'll find
good deals on it.  The main difference between the 2 models is the number of routes
and waypoints that can be downloaded into the unit.  This summer the III+s could
hold an entire week's worth of routes and waypoints but the summits could only hold
a couple of days worth - not a big difference in the real world!
Cheers, Laney

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