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Re: endurance vs Natrc

You can practice pacing at home by riding a set distance within a time
frame, or even by having someone alongside with a speedometer until you
learn to feel it.  Once you have learned to pace yourself you can do so
regardless of the sanction org of the events you attend.

Becky Huffman, Cleburne, Texas

----- Original Message -----
> Elayne hnic452@AOL.COM> I've attended 2 LD rides and both times I thought
my horse> looked really bad at completion. He was well prepared prior> to
the races. He didn't drink well on course and had low gut> sounds at the end
of each. I took the entire 6 hours to> complete, so we weren't rushing, but
I do believe we went too> slow sometimes and too fast sometimes. I was
thinking about> switching to NATRC because of the pacing required, but was>
wondering if the same types of problems occur during these> rides also. Why
are mile markers not used in endurance?

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