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Saare tree sizes

I'm one of Sharon's saddle fitters...
If you'd like to email me with specific questions, I can try to answer them.
There are 7 sizes of trees,  and that there's about 20% of the horses I fit,  that for various reason, can't be fit with these 7 trees sizes.
They range from very narrow to very wide, with varing cants to the bars over the back
(for backs that slope away from the spine,  to the flatter backs.)
 Her custom saddles also have the rigging type and position custom to the body type and aligned where the horses natural girth groove is. The rigging can be placed in any one of 5 positions, which is JUST as important as the tree size... as a rigging in the wrong position, even on the correct tree size for the back, will cause the saddle to NOT stay in the proper place. (i.e. a girth too far back, will cause the saddle to creep forward.)
So there's not really a direct comparisom to what's available off the rack, which usually offer 3 tree sizes  (semi QH/QH & arab) and no rigging position options.

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