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Re: terroism...not! War!!

Somehow, I don't feel this is a nation that has done this to U.S.  Maybe factions of several (or more) "nations", but not with and entire government backing it....terrorism doesn't seem to fit either.  New way of warfare.  So our government has to think with new brain cells and see with different eyes.  As Bush Sr. said the people who will have to work the intelligence of finding the answers are not mainstream...they have to function outside of the norm...and it is not pretty.
But neither are the videos of what has happened here.
My husband has a liabrary full of war movies, documentaries, etc.  Including some recent pictures, (Pvt Ryan, Shinning Through, etc.)  It is never easy but freedom must be preserved, and always at a terrible cost.
Beth Gunn
(trying to keep head clear and out of the sand:)
I'm going Riding:))
----- Original Message -----
From: Barbara McCrary
To: Beth Gunn
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 10:40 AM
Subject: Re: terroism...not! War!!

All very well for a first emotional reaction, but let's find out first who is responsible for the attacks.  Wars are usually fought when one knows who the enemy is.  We can't go to war if we don't know for sure.  It would be unthinkable to start a war with the wrong people and nation.
----- Original Message -----
From: Beth Gunn
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 2:01 PM
Subject: RC: terroism...not! War!!

OK friends..The word "terroism"  spellingplease?  leaves me with the feeling of "slap on the wrist" "oh, what do You want! to "back off"?!!!
This Is War!!!  Maybe against some smart but not Intelligent, but well funded folks ....@#?**  And our government bans Us from "bearing arms" to protect ourselves against threat...oh well. put your heads in the sand some more and....suffocate!  Oh, We have been watching this  all day and want to kick their butts!!!  Hubby is a "Tom Clancy" fan and is "educating" me as we speak...So I won't do much input...
I am still here with my jaw hanging down and really wondering how it got to this point!!!  Buckle down, pray, and kick #@?##. no holds barred!!
Beth and Clann Gunn
Scots Know How to Get It Done!!

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