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Arabs: the horse of choice, of course

A childhood spent with my Welsh/TB cross but no organized horse
sports.  After we horsey types all read "King of the Wind" and
the Black Stalltion series, everyone's dream was to have an
Arabian.  Fast forward to 20 years later when I took up riding hill-topping at our local hunt.  Lots of pretty horses
but no Arabs. Mmmm, I thought to myself; maybe Arabs are so
expensive nobody can afford them.  At the hunt party afterwards,
I piped up with this thought and asked if everyone else had
always dreamed of having one...the best horse in the world.
After the stunned incredulity there was hysterical, barking

Betty (no longer the "straight man"; who occasionally graces
the hunt with my dream, Echo; and 3 other arabs now hunt the
entire season)

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