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Re: OF Woes

Title: Re: OF Woes
Ray O.
Well,you haven't-neccesarily-been "ripped off",even if you never
receive your money back.It all depends on whether Len Brown took your
money in bad faith,or if he flat out failed in business.I don't mean to
belittle your frustration here.I think Len's overall business strategy was
impossible,and that he would have been better off all along to have simply
    promoted his patented design to other saddle makers.

Hey Ray,

Can you *give* me $2000?  I won't repay it or anything.  Won't even be ripping you off as I'm not promising *anything* in return!  I might someday come up with a saddle design.

For those others of y'all who got RIPPED OFF by Orthoflex, you have my deepest sympathies.

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