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Lyme in Horses???

Stagg Newman
Not much known.  Belief is many horses are exposed and have natural
resistance so no effects but some horses do have problems.  Given where
our horses lived for many years in NJ, we are fairly certain all were
exposed to Lyme, i.e. Lyme was very common as we were in one of the worst
counties in the country and our horses got lots of ticks.

Two examples.
1.  My horse Drubin was diagnosed positive for lyme back in 1991 but
showed no symptons.  We did not treat.  He went on to win National
Championship in 1992.  He later tested negative for Lyme.  This year he
just completed his 30th 1-day 100 and 13 straight year with at least one
or more completion.
2.  My wife's horse Strut, who had done 15 100s and was first alternate to
World's in '94, came down with a serious lung infection in late '96 or
early '97.  He seemed to have a weakened immune systems and also tested
positive for Lyme.  Fortunately thru agressive treatment by Dr. Jeannie
Waldron he pulled through and is now competing again.  However he seems
more suceptible to various problems so we believe that his immune system
may not be 100% and we do not race him, only ride for solid completions.
Was the initial problem caused by Lyme???

I have been told that some folks in New England believe it is a major
problem in horses.

So you may want to check with some Eastern vets.  My inclination would be
not to treat unless the horse is showing some problems but I am not a vet.

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