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EZ boots making them fit

I am a dealer for EZ care and the Canadian distributer. I am going to try and help you with the boots.
From your photos they look like they fit. Cut the back down to 1/4" above the base at the heel. Do not pay attention to the lines on the boot. Check that the front does not rub the hair line if needed cut down.
Remove the heel strap. Needle nose plyers stuck in the nut part work great to hold it from spinning. Hammer down the metal cleats until they are flat. Fit the boot without the heel strap on to check for size. Cut the heel strap down about 1/2 way.Leave the holes though. Replace onto the boot. You will note there is 2 sets of holes on the strap. This allows you to adjust tightness and fit. You want to make sure the heel strap does not rub the heel bulbs. Place 2 or 3 layers of duck tape over the metal piece and the nuts to prevent rubbing. Use a piece of webbing to pull the heel strap up into place.  In the front of the boot you will notice that the cable can be placed through the metal fitting in different positions. Both cables through the center notch or for a tighter fit cross them to the outside of the metal bracket. Choose from the 3 positons on the swing lock to clamp the shoe tight.I push it down with my foot because it is tight.  I ride 4 horses in EZ boots and they are all fitted a little different. I use ribbons colored and mark which foot they fit. Helps me find them if they go flying. So far I have been lucky I have only had a boot come off once . She stepped on it while grazing. I have not had them come off when riding even in the mud. To remove the boot slide a flat head screwdriver into the boot at the sides and pop off.
NEVER use silicone to seal the boots on as it will damage the hoof. Use Easyfoam if you want to foam them on for a really tight fit.
Some people wrap the foot in vet wrap. So far I have not done that but it may help.
My horses are very good about putting the boots on. Takes about 15 minutes or less to do 4 feet now
Hope this helps if you need ask questions please call me
780 987-4816 or email me.
Paddi Sprecher
Canadian Trail House
manufacturer and retailer of fine biothane tack
Devon  Alberta

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