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Re: RC: Just what is LD competition?

In a message dated 6/20/01 9:26:24 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

For the life of me I cannot figure out the knee-jerk reaction LD seems to
generate on RC. There are jerks in all distances. There are people that
other riders and their horses in all distances. In over 10 years of riding,
running and working rides I've only seen one LD horse treated which is
about 50
times fewer horses than I've seen treated at the endurance distances.  I
someone could explain what in LD invokes such an emotional reaction.

Truman, just for curiosity's sake.  How wide are most of your trails?  One
part of the problem (as described in the post about the Malibu LD jerk) is
that we have some pretty narrow, dangerous mountain trails.  When you are
approached from behind at a high rate of speed on these trails and then
passed willy nilly, bad stuff happens. (Like severed tendons as happened to
my horse, Harca, at the Malibu ride two years ago).

Also, and please don't take this the wrong way, but I think you guys in the
SE have completely rolled over on the LD issue.  You are awarding these guys
BC based on top ten placings (correct me if I'm wrong); awarding 1st through
10th placings for RACING the LD rides.  WHY the heck WOULDN'T  the LD riders
be happy in the SE??? You are doing exactly as they please.  We wouldn't have
any dissention in the PS region either if we did it the way you guys are
doing.  There are just some die-hards out here who still refuse to see LD as

Sylvia (asbestos suit at the ready)

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