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Re: RC: non-member fees

In a message dated 6/8/01 2:05:14 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< They only do 3 or 4 rides a year so that is only $40 as opposed to $60 or 
$65 dollars (whatever it is) for a membership. So does it encourage or 
discourage people to join? The best way to get people to join a group or club 
or organization is to make them think they are missing something.  >>

Well, you just described me in the above statement!  I had been riding in 
AERC rides for the past 10 years, but just never felt that there was a point 
in my joining because I only did a few rides a year -- wasn't competitive, 
didn't care about accumulating mileage. I'd been an NATRC member for the last 
13 or so years, but just hadn't joined AERC.  Two years ago I finally figured 
out that if we don't weigh in as a GROUP about trail usage and the importance 
of that;  If we don't let our numbers be known we will definitely lose trail 
and lose rides.  So, I joined AERC.  I am still not a "competitive" rider 
(Tom Ivers would consider me a slacker).  Funny thing though I recently 
tabulated my mileage and my horse's mileage...and we each have roughly 2,000. 
 My how time flies :))

So, join AERC, NATRC, ECTRA, UMECTRA, Back Country Horsemen, your local trail 
riding organization; whatever the organization of choice is....our trails are 
in danger and are dwindling we need to be a cohesive force if we want to 
preserve them.

Sylvia Beverly 

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