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RC: Max

I'm sorry, did I miss something? I've read most of the posts on this topic
and even went briefly to another bulletin board where this was being
discussed.  I did not see anybody personally attacking Chris.

If people have emailed Chris privately telling her how she should have done
differently in her particular situation, then that's in poor taste.  However,
the messages I've read on Ridecamp have been more in the line of what
"anybody" can do in a trailer loading situation.

Through reading the thread on RC: I've been educated as to the fact that
many shippers pick up and haul at night.  Never knew that before.  I've been
cautioned to check out the shipping company carefully, to quiz the handlers, to
load my own horse, to make sure the horse comes first no matter how much I
think the shipper should know.  To check out "insurance concerns."

We ALL have horror stories about horses and trailers.  Chris and Max just
turned out to be graphic, thought-provoking, and public.  I think I've learned
a great deal.
And if people have been personally attacking Chris, may I say again, poor
taste. But I haven't interpreted any ridecamp messages in that spirit.  The
first few messages were asking for more information.  What followed publicly was
a series of "this is my horse trailer story" and then some comments about
specific details about Max's case where people were wanting to discuss better
ways to do things SO THAT THIS DOESN'T HAVE TO HAPPEN AGAIN.  Education IS the
best defense and thanks to Chris sharing her private pain, I personally am
getting more educated.

I hope this email doesn't offend.  I am not wanting to defend those that
would personally attack Chris.  Goodness knows, I've kicked myself hundreds of
times for doing small things to my horse (things he's long forgotten about); I
can only imagine her grief at this.  My purpose in this email is to point
out that the public messages on RC appear to be education/sharing oriented and
not blame/attack mode.

I am sure most of us have put ourselves in Chris' place, however briefly,
and cringed away at that thought of pain.  So we want to be sure that doesn't
happen to one of our beloved horses.  So we talk and share and educate each
other as best as we can on this forum.

God Bless those involved and those of us that can learn.

April & Tanna
Nashville, TN

> Chris and Star
> Please, no more email telling me how you would have done things
> differently. I've already heaped enough guilt on myself for every
endurance rider in
> America. You weren't there. This is the most painful horse experience I've

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