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I'm so sick of hearing that "Exiss trailers are junk", when in fact,
they are a very well made trailer. The only person(s) that I have ever
heard talk bad about Exiss were the dealers who DIDN'T sell Exiss. How
can they compete in price? For the money, the Exiss is an excellent
trailer.  My favorite top quality trailer is 4Star and Hart, but I
couldn't justify the big price difference with the little difference in
features. Ever since Exiss came into the market with a totally different
marketing plan, I've seen prices on trailers drop.

An excellent site on trailers is:
Click on Forum, and all trailer subjects are addressed.

There are many nice trailers with different price ranges. Look at as
many as you can and ignore the catty remarks from dealers. Let them sell
you on their trailer, not put down the other guys. Let their trailers
stand on their own merits. 

Good Luck and happy researching. You will find the trailer that is right
for YOU.

A Very Happy Exiss Owner

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