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EN-magazine? or newsletter?  maybe both?  I just have to speak up for those of us who think it is a quality publication and appreciate it's existence and improvements over the years.

Being pretty rough on the dedicated volunteers that give their valuable time, talent and energy to our organization.  Slamming their good work, belittling their efforts for improvement, just because their ideas may not be as good as you think yours are.  Besides all the time and work that is volunteered to make EN possible a lot of heart is put into it by dedicated horse lovers.  These people deserve our thanks and gratitude for a job well done, not a magnifying glass looking for fault.

It's easy to say how it should be done, but those to be applauded are those who are in there doing it.

We have a good chefs cooking up our EN, creating and trying out new recipes, combining dishes, trying to expand and improve, catering to different tastes.  And they're doing a fine job of it, many of us think.  Just stepping up to the pot and stirring it does not add to the final product, in fact, too much stirring is a detriment to the final dish.  If you really want to contribute, don't just stir the pot, get in there and start cooking.

Meanwhile, don't run off the good people we have that care enough to donate their time, talent, and energy.  A pat on the back and a helping hand will accomplish what your criticism will not.

I take my hat off to all involved in the publication of EN.  Keep up the good work.  And know that there are many of us out here who appreciate the sacrifice of your volunteered time & talent that makes AERC an organization I'm proud to be a part of.


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