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Elytes, colics and viruses

The weekend from hell....
You will recall that I posted about Toc's impaction colic on Friday?  Well, yesterday he came down with a virus.  Temp of 40C, ate his grain but not his hay, photosensitivity, rattle in his lungs.
He has had this virus before, the first time being two and a half years ago.  Since then, he's had it every Spring / Autumn.  Each time, I've put it down to a re-occurrence of the bug, but I'm now wondering whether he isn't actually "holding" it in his system.  Each time he comes down with it is shortly after a colic (within a week following the colic).  Before, I thought that the colic was a sign that he was going to come down with the virus,  but now I'm wondering whether the stress from the colic isn't perhaps CAUSING the virus to resurface (not causing the virus, but maybe bringing it out of remission).  Does this make sense?  Do viruses operate this way?
If this is the case, then should I even be considering eventing / doing CTR's with this boy?  Work doesn't seem to stress his system, but will I be asking for trouble if I event / do a CTR with him.  What about possible strain to his heart / lungs?  My vet isn't sure what virus it is : we have so bloody many that they're just treated symptomatically, and she is also of the view that the colic is precipitating the symptoms.  Also, each time he gets it, he gets a worse case of it, not better.
I'm really worried about my little horse.  Any thoughts?

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