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Re: RC: Fwd: RC: 100 in a day vs 250 over four days
I don't start any ride and "hope" my horse stays "sound"
>until the finish,
Gosh, I hope my horses will stay sound on every ride they do. Luckily,
they have close to 7,000 miles now with an over 93% completion rate. Not
only do I hope that they stay sound thru each ride, but each day on a
multiday, and if they are doing a 100, sound enough so they can compete in
another ride two or three weeks later (which they have both done after
doing Tevis, for example)...and most importantly, I hope that they'll stay
sound throughout an entire season. Weaver has done 1,455 in one season with
a 100% completion rate, Rocky has done 1,335 miles with a 100% completion
rate in a single season, and last year he did 1100 and some miles. I
forget he was short like 10 or 15 miles for making national mileage, but he
did make the national B/C standings.
>condition. Yes, I know things can and do go wrong, but "K" seems to have the
>attitude of doing 100s is best cuz as she says " horse only has to stay sound
>1 day" Pretty pathetic to me.
I was simply pointing out the difference in riding strategy. I don't think
any particular distance is better than any other, just that in my
observations many riders who ride multidays are more careful with how they
ride and are more intelligent in the care for their horses. I also pointed
out that a lot of them also ride 100's, so it's not like I'm saying 100
milers aren't also as caring -- just that there is a difference between
riding one day and riding 5. Maybe you outta look at the Pioneer Standings
for the last three years, eh?
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