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Re: online calender trouble

>Mary Schrempp
>I have not been able to look at the aerc calender online-it takes
>forever to load and then stops loading right at 99% loaded, where 
>my computer locks up and I have to log back on to the internet.
>This didn't happen with the old calender version and its makeing 
>me crazy!!! Anyone else having trouble with the new calender 
>format?  Thanks

I didn't have any trouble loading it and I have a fairly slow computer on a
regular modem connection using Netscape which tends to get occasionally
boggy or tied up.  I did notice, however, that at most of the rides in the
NW that I checked on (AERC details), all of the distances were listed to
start at the same time.

The new format looks nice, btw...easy to read.

Tyee Farm
Marysville, Wa.

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