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Re: [endurance] Difference in Arabians

> I've been 
> told that the Egyptian lines are mostly the show horse type and the 
> reason they don't make good endurance horses is because they are 
> finer 
> boned with those really delicate legs which can easily be injured in 
> such a physically demanding sport.

  NO, that statement is ONLY true if you're looking at the Egyptians bred
by the people who are only thinking of the "Halter Horse Investment (that
can send your kids to college) Scam."  Well bred  Egyptians can do
endurance as well as any other bloodline.  The thing to remember is that
for endurance - look at the HORSE more so than the bloodlines.  Good
conformation, good attitude and good health is what you want.  It might
be a good idea to get a mentor that can help you in your search for the
perfect horse.

Tall C Arabians - TX

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