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Re: speedy shedding

----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott & Dede Johnson" <>

> You may have seen this, if you read Equus, but I thought this was
> interesting.  An article states that you can speed shedding by "emptying
> entire bottle of baby oil over your horse,

Interesting......tempting, but I sure wouldn't here.....I think the horses
are SUPPOSED to shed over a month in Northern Calif, even if
the days are getting warm, the nights can still be chilly.  If I shed out a
horse in one day, I would feel compelled to blanket at night though
April.....I guess I put a lot of faith in the horses ability to shed
according to the temps.

It seems a lot like the ear-hair clipping-I never would think of doing that.
Those hairs have a function!


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