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Backyard Ride

I helped out at the Shine and Shine Only Ride today.  After
all our hot discussions about riding internationally,
racing, etc. here in San Jose (not Silicon Valley, eh MaryBen?)
was our backyard ride hosted by our 3X World Champion,
secretaried by our AERC Vice President mb, with a lot of well
known endurance names hanging around.  I didn't see anyone

It was a little more relaxed than usual for a SASO,
probably because of the strangles thing, so the riders
and us P&R people had a chance to just hang around
and talk during the vet checks.

Everyone had a different goal for their ride.  There were
probably a few first time riders.  There were a few old
time riders like Ruth Waltenspiel, who's picture I just
noticed Friday night when I was re-reading Wentworth
Tellington, and Linda Tellington Jone's endurance book
from years ago.  A lot of endurance history in this ride, 
a lot endurance hopes for the future.

People sharing their stories about their horses, smiling,
taking care of their horses, no pretentions.  Talking
about our next ride, what our plans for the ride season,
whether or not to pad for Washoe, whether or not they
will nominate for PanAms, starting new horses, coming
back from injuries (human and horse)....  I feel more
at home with this group of people more than any other
group of people and I've only been competing for a very
few years.  I relished the day and will relish getting
back into the saddle and riding a ride too.

This is the heart and soul of our endurance life, where
newbies spawn, and just maybe learn to become a big fish
someday.  Or maybe just swim around in their own little
special ponds.  Doesn't matter.  We're all here enjoying

And then I went to the Ride and Tie National Awards Banquet
tonight. Small group, rowdy bunch of people!

The office was on the way home, so I decided to drop in
and take a peak at RideCamp and see how all the international
stuff was cooking.  Was a good day. See ya later.


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