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Ready for 50?

Nancy wrote:
>Unfortunately,there really isn't any "magic moment" green light that
when a horse is ready. Give it a try & play it by ear.<< 

Nancy's right on. Go to the ride, smile, greet your friends, take care
of your horse, and have a good time. Don't think of it as "50 miles" --
think of it as a series of 3 or 4 loops. At each vet check, ask
yourself: "Am I having a good time?" As long as you and your horse can
answer Yes, keep going. When you *or* your horse (and many horses run
out of rider before the rider runs out of horse) are no longer having a
good time, call it a day. You'll have the benefit of the day's
experience, some good stories to tell, and wherever you "finish", you'll
be miles ahead for the next effort.


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