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Vicki wrote:

I have ridden several times with my friend & this horse & he has never
kicked or attempted to kick -- he doesn't even lay his ears back.  We
leapfrog regularly -- Storm does not have a problem being passed.  I have
even ridden up behind him at a canter & passed him without incident.  The
problem is that this behavior was rather unexpected (yes, he cow-kicked
once months ago which is why he was wearing the ribbon, but not since).
Since I wasn't at the ride, I don't know the particulars, but I think it
was on a single track trail that the other riders passed.

	Yes, this makes it much harder--there are many behavioural 'glitches' that
only seem to happen at rides, and thus are hard to correct at home.  You
can try to replicate the behaviour at home--in other words deliberately
'crowd' him on a narrow trail to try to elicit the behaviour; but it may
not work with a horse he is familiar with and likes.  She can only try her
best.  Other than that, she will have to be VERY aware of this behaviour
next time she rides in an unfamiliar group or in competition.  It shouldn't
be 'unexpected' the next time!  My feeling is that given the nature of the
narrow trails at most rides, and the possibility of a number of horses
being close, her best bet is to ride with a crop, watch him like a hawk,
and get very, very 'heavy' indeed at the first sign of trouble--ie pinned
ears.  Growl (or maybe yell) right then, smack him, etc--if she can't
practice this at home she will probably have to be tougher at a ride than
she would need to be under more controlled circumstances.  The most
important thing is to 'get on him' BEFORE the kick, not after!
	(Just as an aside--has she considered whether her OWN level of tension may
be a contributing factor?)

Terre (good luck to your friend)

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