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RE: Kicking

I have a real sensitive 4 y.o. I am working with right now.
The 3 sec. "kill" is sharp growl, a quick yank at the halter
and a big dirty look staring him in the eye.  He has "happy
feet" when he spooks and will be dangerous unless I correct
him now.  This works - he looks remorseful and pays attention
to me after that.

On the other hand, I have a mare that the 3 second kill
is VERY physical.  One time she bit me.  I dropped all
my buckets and the lead rope to another horse, and started
kicking her in the belly.  She didn't move, didn't even
care that I was kicking her, no remorse at all.  It was
like she was laughing at me.  Another time while trailer
loading, after many hours trying to be "nice" and doing
the NH way, I used a chain shank.  She still argued with
me, I shanked her hard 3 times in a row, let her think
about it - this time I got her attention good - then
she loaded up without argument.  Horses are very physical
animals and if you spend any time watching a herd you
know that sometimes it takes some hard physical blows
before you can establish a heirarchy.  My mare had me 
bamboozled for a few years until I finally figured out
that I "had to be boss" and assert myself.  She still tests
everyone.  A real smart horse, loveable, but she's not
easy to get along with like most prima donnas.

My current endurance horse is so much a partner of
mine, that a verbal reprimand is all he needs.  Most of
the time he's not doing anything bad or dangerous, but
occasionally he does "assert his opinion".

Too bad "guest" didn't post their name.  I believe that
punishment really depends on the horse and the cir

-----Original Message-----
From: sharp penny []
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2001 4:58 AM
Subject: RC: Kicking

    I think you have missed the point. The posts I
have read all suggest punishing the horse, but there
is a right and a wrong way to do this. Both Jim and
Terre gave excellent ways to correct this problem.
    As far as the NH pros, I can only speak for the
John Lyons approach. He has a 3 sec rule that you are
allowed to "kill" your horse in. Believe me it works.
I was at one of his clinics a few years back. Someone
brought him a very rank stallion to work with. We got
to see first hand how John used the 3 sec rule. I will
never forget this as long as I live...I was in fear
for that stallions life for those 3 seconds...that's
how effective John was.


--- "" <> wrote:
> Guest
> I'm sorry, no one else will say it, though I know
> many are thinking it. If a horse kicks anytime while
> I am near, either in the pasture at another horse,
> or while I am riding it, that horse will get
> spanked. End of story. Kicking can kill a person. It
> should NEVER be allowed while in the presence of a
> person. And putting a 1000 pound animal in the
> corner for a "time out" is NOT the answer. It needs
> punished. And you can not tell me John Lyons and all
> the other horse gurus do not ever spank a horse.
> Might not do it in front of a money paying crowd,
> but they do it. 
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