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Re: RC: dressage/all purpose saddles

Renee, you have finally asked one that I can answer.  For years I had an all 
purpose jumping type saddle with a forward flap.  It is designed to push your 
center of balance forward in an effort to help you jump.  This is great if 
you are doing cross country jumping.  However, in a long trail ride, it makes 
it harder for both you and your horse to properly balance over his center of 
gravity.  For the trail, you usually want to be as straight as possible, 
unless of course going up or down hill.  

When I determined my saddle didn't fit my horse anymore, I started searching 
for a new one.  I have ended up with a crosby prix st george dressage saddle. 
 The seat is just deep enough that it holds me in the correct position for 
riding, not to mention it is the most comfortable thing I've ridden in in 
ages.  A five hour ride didn't even result in a sore butt...AND it fits my 
horse.  I like it much better than the majority of the 
western/endurance/austrailian saddles I've ridden in for trail riding.  The 
only thing I can find that i don't like about it is that it doesn't have 
enough d-rings for any distance riding, but my saddle repair guy is working 
on that as I type.  He's putting six d-rings on my saddle for me.  Since I 
don't show dressage, it doesn't matter!

Juli (love that dressage saddle)
Alpine (me too!)

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