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Re: RC: Re: CRI

In a message dated 2/20/00 1:15:25 PM Pacific Standard Time, CMKSAGEHIL 

<< 4)  As far as being suspicious about underlying motives--you bet, I'm 
ALWAYS suspicious of those with underlying motives, especially (as in 
Whitney's quote) when they have things to sell and resort to trying to 
further their agenda by becoming their own brand of "morality police" by 
belittling others and applying double standards to "science" and debate.
 Heidi >>

The nice thing about science is, you're either right or you're wrong. If 
you're going to pontificate on science, especially with a condescending 
attitude like yours, you'd better be right, or you'll be embarrassed. I've 
given away a lot more product than I've sold to Ridecampers--by a 100 to 1 
margin--that's because my stuff has been more expensive than Vitaflex's. the 
giveaways were strictly selfish--I wanted to learn to use the stuff--and it 
paid off handsomely in the President's Cup--so I'm amply rewarded. 

However, since you're accusing me of trying to sell product via Ridecamp, and 
there are a very few who hang on your every word, let me prove you right out 
of the goodness of my heart. I will now sell, to any US Ridecamper, a bucket 
of my Glycogen Loader for the same price as CarboCharge: $43. That's down 
from the $60 regular price. As a further incentive, any follower of yours can 
have it for $90.  

Satisfaction guaranteed, of course. Major Credit Cards accepted. 

Now that you are finally right about something, do you feel better?


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