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Dutch Warmbloods

k s swigart

> After reading all the reactions to Bette's request for a Dutch Warmblood 
> mare for lease I feel I have to "defend" the Dutch Warmblood horse. Somebody 
> even asked if we ever rode "such a thing". I do not know if this person 
> realizes that there are more disciplines than endurance and also other horse 
> breeds than arabians. 

That was me who said that, and I said it because I wondered if 
you were interested in a Dutch Warmblood because they are big, 
or if you actually knew what riding one was like, because it 
isn't like riding an least not very much :).  
Generally speaking, they give you a very different ride.

What I wondered was whether you wanted to lease a Dutch 
Warmblood mare because you like Dutch Warmbloods, or because 
you know they are big horses and want a big horse.  The first 
reason is a very good reason to breed a Dutch Warmblood, the 
second I would recommend approaching with caution and trying 
one out before you did it.

Personally, I don't much care for the ride I have gotten from 
most of the Dutch Warmbloods I have ridden, but I know lots of 
people who really like them--and I know what they like about 
them and can understand why.  Me?  I'm a Thoroughbred person 
(and I know lots of people who really DON'T like them...for the 
same reasons that _I_ do and don't much care for Dutch 
Warmbloods).  As Warmbloods go, I generally prefer the 
Trakehner, the Selle Francais and the Budyonuy.

That was why I asked if you had "ridden such a thing."  Because 
many endurance people have never ridden a Dutch Warmblood (and 
this IS an endurance list), and I wouldn't recommend breeding 
a Dutch Warmblood until you had at least tried it out to see if 
you like it.

And I did say, that if you want a big horse, that I consider 
breeding a Dutch Warmblood to be a much more intelligent thing
to do than to breed an Arabian.

I did not mean to suggest that Dutch Warmbloods were not riding 
horses, and I am sorry if you misunderstood.

Orange County, Calif.

p.s.  What exactly is it about you 15.1 hh Arab/Mustang cross that you think makes it unsuitable for dressage?

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