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leasing/borrowing horses for rides

Teresa Van Hove

I'd like to hear some experiences with "ride leasing"  There 
are so many rides I'd like to get to this year that I don't 
wish to try and do all of them on Grey, and I'm wondering what 
some normal ride horse borrowing/lease arrangements are.

If anyone in the mountain region area is in a position of wishing 
they could get official miles on an extra horse at some of the 
rides in the eastern 1/2 of the region. I'd really be interested 
in hearing from them.  I am even toying with the idea of buying a 
2nd horse, but I have a coming 4 year old, and am not real good 
at selling horses, so it would be better for me to just borrow or
lease a horse for some rides.

Teresa Van Hove 

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