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Offline for a week
- To: "Sonta Brown" <ketchtropictramp@hotmail.com>, <Schwarz589@cs.com>, "Marci de la Torre" <cmkarabs@hotmail.com>, "Louise" <JLVolding@aol.com>, "linda wheelehon" <lwheele@mail.arco.com>, "Larry R Olson" <lrolson@notes.west.raytheon.com>, "ken anderson" <kenranderson@yahoo.com>, "joanne olson" <imldstoo@juno.com>, "ginger merritt" <onepeachie@aol.com>, "Bonnie" <BWalkingHorse@aol.com>, "billy boyd" <mrq117@netscape.net>, "Barb Miller" <barbtrefrymiller@aol.com>, "karen & kristina olson" <sheltim@aol.com>, "RideCamp" <ridecamp@endurance.net>, "CTR" <horsesCTR@egroups.com>
- Subject: Offline for a week
- From: "lkgower" <jazena@kelp.net>
- Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 15:05:58 -0800
Hi All, Beginning Monday Dec 4, 2000, I will be offline
for email. As some of you know last April I got the KAK worm virus from
one of the "horsey" list serves I am on. Although I sucessfully got "rid"
of it, and won't infect anyone else, some residual codes have been thoroughly
making my computer goofy. I can't add or delete any programs, can't print,
can't import/export, save or delete documents, to name a few problems.
Only the games and email program are still working. So I am sending my
computer in to be "cured" and having my hard drive erased. I will lose
EVERYTHING as they suggested not saving any floppies cause they don't know where
the damn virus codes are residing. So I have hand copied all my email
addys & websites so I can add them when I get my computer back. I will
be offline for a week or so. But you can still send emails as they will be
stored by my isp account. I just won't respond for a week or so.
Thanks for your understanding at this frustrating time.
Lindak & AAce (whose barb wire ouchies &
owwies are improving)
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