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Re: Coggins

You are in an area of the country that has fewer problems with EIA than
others.  There is a hot area that follows the Mississippi river north, and
some more in the east.

Most states in affected areas have rules that require all equines coming
into them be tested as part of the health certificate.  WI requires all
horses that leave their home farm be tested.  MN requires horses engaging in
judged events be tested. (I worked for stronger rules but was not
successful)  AR requires all horses be tested.  And so it goes in the hot

This web site has a good summary of the disease and current scientific
thought on it:

There are other sites, many of them sponsored by government agencies, that
say the same things.  Don't be mislead by individuals who claim EIA is not
dangerous.  They do not have scientific research on their side.

Ed and Wendy Hauser
1140 37th St.
Hudson, WI 54016

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