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Hi all distance riders,
I'm one of the few of you that shut down during the colder months, I'm a wimp
I know. But oh how I'm already missing it.
Below is the 'condition'. Hope you enjoy it, and I apologize for the lack of
education in poetry, we'll just call it free verse and not worry about it. <g>
I shall miss it now that it is gone
That smell of salt, grass breath and manure
But not for long, surely not for long
He awaits, hot breath a cloud in the cold air
Tromping the snow making it fly
He waits
I shall miss it now that it is gone
The calls for an early start, the snorts of pleasure, oh how I shall pine
No, not for long, he calls me still, he will not be alone
His voice ringing, sending shivers up my arms, down my spine
How can I bear it?
He waits
I shall miss it now that it is gone
The click, snap and slap of tack, the spark of steel against rock
Yes, I can hear it, for deep, deep is the bond
In my dreams, in my blood, pounding, yearning, pulling me again to be the jock
Leather slack in my fingers
He waits
I shalln't miss it now that it is gone
The long winter, cold and shivering, devoid of trails
Yes, for at last I am answering, the misery done
Wet breath in my ear, mane in my fingers, muscle against muscle, nothing ails
For once again we are on the trails, and
He waits no more.
Copywrite - Janice Taylor
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