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RE: Re: Milage vs. LD

<< Because a 25 or 30 mile LD is NOT endurance . I can take a horse out of
 pasture and do 25 , 30 miles on it with no problems ! You guy's who think
 that there is no difference ..have you ever done a 100 mile ride? >>

My point is 25 miles is 25 miles. The horse put in THOSE miles. 50 miles is
50 miles etc. etc. etc. You haven't given me a logical reason "why" those 25
miles that horse put in should not go toward the lifetime mileage of the
horse? I am not a LD  rider, and probably should not even care . . . it just
does not make any logical sense why the horse does not get lifetime mileage
credit for the mileage it has done. So please help me out here.

So maybe the answer is to subtract 25 (or 49?) from all ride distances -
since those first 25 miles are unimportant!

Don't yell at me, I'm just being facetious - it's Friday!


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