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Fw: Re: Lewis Family Response

>Dear Sir,
>I was going to  post about how not all horse experience is endurance
>ect. But you know that don't you ? I hope you do. I did not answer
>because I only do e-mail once a day and yesterday I was too busy.
>But all I really need to say is you made my point about egos.
>You assume you know more because you have more miles, because your son did
>it when he was little. Fine you can think as you wish.
>But just stop and think of all the things that can happen. Stop and think
>how your family would feel if something did. The other rider  if there were
>one?  It's not up to you or your family to decide if other horses and
>should be put in danger because you want bragging rights. If it were not
>that your grandson would of been playing at camp with the rest of children
>waiting for the riders to come back.  He would of had fun there too. A 3
>year old can't read or write your son had to put his name on the sighup
>sheet.  Your little grandson didn't ask to ride you asked him if he wanted
>I stand by my one and only post on this it was your family ego that put him
>out there.
>If its not your ego , ask the AERA why there isn't a age rule.  There are
>for horses why not children? Show me you are not in it for your ego.
>That is the reason I don't show any more I hate people who put their kids
>out there for their egos. I guess they are everywhere. I'm just glad that
>most people in endurance aren't in it for their ego . Aren't you?
>Tamara Keller
>North Dakota ( who by the way doesn't  know everything about horses after
>years riding, showing , training, working cattle, trail riding and just a
>newbie at this endurance stuff. and who  is always looking to learn, Your
>never to old to learn and you never know it all)

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