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LD Learning opportunity!!! wrote:

> Okay Steph you asked for it!! Why don't RM have mandatory LD meetings??  Now
> some do Lynne Glazer, for sure and others I can't name at the moment.  But
> most of the rides I have done on the West coast (18 since Dec 1)  do not have
> LD meetilngs.  Now i have finally got it down.  Criteria   vetin/vet out
> that kind of stuff, but I still go off course!!!!  But there are newbies,
> first time riders   change of disciplines   folks still need your pearls of
> wisdom.  I will help do the meeting if I am there.  That's why I joined AERC
> LD committee to help out.

Hey Donna,

We all volunteer for what we believe in, so this is a GREAT first step - I'm glad
you're taking the initiative!

I suggest you begin making it happen by asking Ride Managers if you can initiate
something at upcoming rides, maybe starting 1/2 hour early, using each other and
endurance veterans you know as a resource to answer questions. I help people out
when I have a chance, as do many other folks who've ridden a few years. A cookie
pot-luck would attract enough non-LD folks that you could get a decent turn-out.

Ride managers have their hands full, and appreciate it when individuals like
yourself pull this type of thing together.

I learned what I know by volunteering at rides, or crewing for people I admired.
Giving up a weekend to learn through immersion is an **opportunity** every new
rider should take advantage of!!!

SPEAKING of which...

Quicksilver is having a ride this coming weekend in San Jose, CA, being staged
out of Calero Park.

If you want to learn, join me in working with or crewing for some of the real
gurus in the sport! Quicksilver is home to folks like Julie and Bob Suhr, Trilby
Peterson, Maryben Stover, Becky Hart, Judith Ogus, Mike Maul, Ken Cook, Brian
Reeves - the list goes on and on!

For more information on Quicksilver Endurance Riders, check out:

We hope to see you there!  - Linda

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