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Re: Re: re: worlds youngest rider

risks my kids took at three(or there abouts) with my blessings---rode horses, rode tricycles(on rutted, dirt roads), bounced on trampoline, slept outside in tents on the tops of mountains in raging lightening storms,played with giant dogs,learned to ski,slept in bunk beds,drove go carts,went boating,played around camp fires,fished...what they might have done if I was scared to let them do anything:  stayed in the house playing video really diabetes....became depressed...put on Ritalin--- put on Prozac...with valium as a chaser...GO CLIFFY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
----- Original Message -----
From: Karen Sullivan
To: Lif Strand
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 3:26 PM
Subject: RC: Re: re: worlds youngest rider

Lif writes:
At 02:26 PM 10/10/00, Karen Sullivan wrote:
I'm sure some Arabs would love to run 25 or 50 miles too!  doesn't mean it's appropriate for the age level.

Reminder:  Cliffy wasn't running, he wasn't racing.  He was being ponied at the back of the pack by his dad.  He was met all along the way by his mom.  He was offered opportunities all along the way to stop.  He wanted to do the ride and he really enjoyed doing the ride.  I bet he wasn't even sore the next day.  Doesn't sound all that appropriate for a kid to me.  Lif
But.............the point is, 3 year olds have weak muscles, soft bones and ligaments, and in some, the skull has not even closed!!!
I'm sure there are LOTS of things 3-year olds might want to do (riding dirt bikes, driving cars, etc), that it is commonly understood as downright stupid and dangerous.  A fall off a horse, at that age, on hard ground-rocks, etc?  Why risk it? There are lots of other things a 3 year old can do that are JUST as fun, and far safer.
As for a child being poined the whole way------does that mean I can enter and pony my dog riding a horse?  Did the horse get the miles?  Can I pony my 4 and a half Arab on 25 mile rides and start accumulating miles?

            Lif & Paul Strand  STRAND ENTERPRISES
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