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Re: RC: Toddlers

In a message dated 10/10/00 2:05:56 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< Here it is, 1984, Brave New World, where Big Brother is going to protect 
 all from having a life.
understanding ALL THIS - and honestly, I DO agree - where is the line between 
personal stupidity and stupidity that affects others fall? I can make some 
really stupid choices that could or could not get me hurt or killed. That 
doesn't mean I have the right to make those choices for someone else, 
especially a child, no matter HOW much that person whines about LOVING it and 
WANTING to do it. I wouldn't DREAM of putting a 3 year old into a competition 
on a horse. Horses do weird things - they aren't predictable - duh - we ALL 
KNOW THIS. They stumble, they spook, they LOVE that we care for them, they 
depend on us for many things, but when the chips are down and they flip out, 
they don't stop to think of little Johnny up there with little balance and no 
prediction skills or quality reaction time. "nuf said.

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