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Re: RC: re: worlds youngest rider
I am not going to get caught up in this too much, but had
to add one last comment or two. Tiger Woods started showing
a passion for golf at either 2 or 3. Dad entered him in
tournaments at a very early age. I wonder if Tiger as a
semi-adult feels this was wrong of his parents to do. There
are alot of examples of child prodigies that shouldn't be
discouraged to set a goal and go for it. Who are we to say
what that goal is and at what age they should be allowed to
try. I think comparing the young horses to the children is
comparing apples to oranges. It's just not the same thing.
I also think that in this case (reading comments from
people who were there and know Cliffy's parents) that he
would have been "pulled" by mom or dad should he have shown
signs of exhaustion, or crying or asking to quit. I also
think AERC has plenty to do without telling parents what
their children are or are not capable of. I only wish my
son asked to ride, even once in awhile! Heck, if he wanted
to do an endurance ride or LD, I'd be in heaven!!!!!!!!!!!
that's all,
--- Karen Sullivan <greymare@jps.net> wrote:
> You know, this just is not about if 3 year old
> horse-crazy kids WANT to endurance ride, it wether or not
> it is appropriate for their mental and developmental
> level. I have heard accolades from people who I know
> have never had, or lived with a 3 year old. Until some
> experienced medical professionals tell me it's okay, it
> still, in general, sounds like a bad idea.
> I'm sure some Arabs would love to run 25 or 50 miles too!
> doesn't mean it's appropriate for the age level.
> Karen
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